False sex claim flabbergasts Emmerdale as painful tragedy rocks a family

There are more troubled times for ill Moira Dingle (Natalie J Robb) in Emmerdale next week, with a tragedy at work prompting a big realisation.



The beloved character is horrified to discover her sheep let loose, with almost all of them later found dead.




Unable to remember what happened to trigger this, Moira is pushed to despair by her symptoms, and knows deep down it’s time to step back from the farm.








Meanwhile, there’s a scandal developing when, trying to prove he is grown-up, Arthur Thomas (Alfie Clarke) lies that he and John Sugden (Oliver Farnworth) had sex.

With John left shocked by the allegation, how will he respond to Arthur?

And elsewhere in the village, Laurel (Charlotte Bellamy) is torn in the wake of her passion with Charles Anderson (Kevin Mathurin).

Monday September 30
Moira is put out when Matty arrives with a holdall to move in. Her erratic behaviour worries Mack and Matty.

Liam quizzes John on his relationship with Aaron, but John isn’t wanting to discuss it.

PC Swirling approaches Aaron on main street to question him about some stolen smart watches, after his car was caught leaving the scene of the crime. Aaron feigns innocence as John comes over.

Aaron is happy to have kept John in the dark when Swirling finds no evidence.

Tuesday October 1
Mack is stressed to find the sheep have escaped and accuses Moira who agrees not to go out alone.

Nicola tries to get to the bottom of what’s going on between Laurel and Charles. When the truth comes out, Laurel is left torn when Nicola questions why the fling is over.

Soon, Charles and Laurel discuss their fling, eventually deciding the responsible thing to do is call it a day.

Aaron is left intrigued when Mack suggests using John’s van to get rid of the smart-watches. When John refuses to let Aaron borrow his van, Aaron kicks his plan into motion by swiping the keys while John’s distracted.

Wednesday October 2
Matty and Mack are interrupted when they notice multiple sheep aren’t moving. Later, Moira is told that most of the sheep are dead and one’s in a bad state.

As Moira struggles to remember what’s happened, Moira gets upset but accepts that she needs to stop work for now.

Mack and Aaron secretly load the stolen smart watches into John’s van. As Aaron enacts his plan, he checks the van only to find all of the watches missing.

Thursday October 3
Chas tells Liam she’s worried over a new rash. He checks her out but soon finds himself lying to Ella about spending time with Chas.

Charles and Laurel give in to temptation but are caught by Arthur. Laurel begs her son not to tell anyone.

Arthur tries to show his maturity to April by flirting with John.

Friday October 4
Arthur lies to April he had sex with John. Hearing the conversation, Laurel is furious, heading off to find John on a warpath.

When Laurel enters the Woolpack to confront John, Arthur enters, mortified as John denies his accusations.

Soon, Arthur lets slip about Laurel and Charles’ fling which is overheard by a flabbergasted Jai.

Moira and Ruby confide in each other; Moira over the worries of her brain tumour, and Ruby over her mothers cremation.

Liam and Chas share a charged look.

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